Wednesday, April 18, 2007

JMS Rock'n Racers Junior Fan Club

From Junction Motor Speedway

We are very excited to continue something new at JMS to show our
appreciation to all of our 'young' race fans up to age 12. The idea and
concept of the "club" is to encourage participation for the children with
various give aways, contests, t-shirt signing, opportunities to meet their
favorite racers, etc.

The first meeting was held in August of 2006 to discuss what they would like
to do as part of this new found organization. As a group they voted on a
group name of "Rock'n Racers Club". We'd also like to see the children
involved with the club to get to know other fellow race fans from other
towns. Each child received their own "membership card".

All the children are encouraged to present their ideas and what they would
like to see happen to make their visits to JMS the most exciting adventure

Carol Hoffman encourages your feed back and suggestions at any time. Her
email address is or call 402-773-4653.


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