Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Changes are coming

With the new season approaching (specials are "pre season") there are a few changes that are coming to the site. One is a change I mentioned on the site's birthday in January and that is I plan to expand my coverage out east. It's going to help since I'm moving to Omaha in May. It's been something that me and my wife have been wanting to do for a while. As for the site, I don't see anything changing except some more coverage.

Speaking of more, there is going to be some Heartland RaceNews merchandise coming. Probably stickers at first then maybe some t-shirts. We'll have to see, but definitely stickers are in the near future.

More than that I'm really thinking hard about a photo annual for 2007. If...IF the tracks get results to me, I'd include those too. The new print-on-demand technology has grown a LOT since I worked in the industry in the late 90's and color reproductions are much better and affordable now. If the money's right I think I can make it happen.

The other thing I'm considering is adding a video component or a podcast feature. I do not plan to go exclusively to video (I like still photography too much), but perhaps a few clips along with maybe the trophy presentation with some rundown afterward - kind of like a sportscast. We'll see about that; I've got some things to learn about video yet. At the very least, perhaps a "slide show" with sound. This probably won't come until Summer when I get settled in the "Big O."


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