Thursday, April 22, 2010

This blog has moved - but you have to do nothing!

There's nothing you have to change, unless you subscribed to the posts in a newsreader. I've set the domain "" to redirect to the all your bookmarks should be the same. The photos (for now) will still be at the same address. The only change you'll notice is in the address bar when the page loads up.

This is a temporary move to hosting with Google since the way I was doing this was not going to be supported by Blogger after May 1.

This blog is now located at
You will be automatically redirected in 30 seconds, or you may click here.

For feed subscribers, please update your feed subscriptions to


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The rules:

1. No ad hominem attacks - AKA: don't "diss" anyone personally.
2. Keep it on topic.
3. I'm open to any well-thought comment just play nice.
4. PG-rated please.
5. By posting, you agree to indemnify me, the blog owner and hold harmless for any liability caused by your comments. (I'm covering myself here).