Wednesday, May 05, 2010

Comments are open

Despite some thrashing about, after 4 years I decided to open up the comments field on this site (the link is at the bottom of the post).

I'm still iffy about it, not because I'm afraid of disagreement - I've hung myself out on many times. I just didn't want it to turn into an uncivilized mess. So I have these rules. We'll see how it goes. Each comment is moderated before going online and subject to editing. If this gets to be too much, or a problem, I'll shut 'er down. I don't think I'll have to do it, though.

The rules:

1. No ad hominem attacks - AKA: don't diss anyone personally.

2. Keep it on topic and get to the point. Please don't respond to other commenter unless you're being helpful. Your comment should be your response to the main post. This is also not a place to plug products, events, etc.

3. If you get edited or not posted don't cry about free speech. It doesn't apply because it's my house, my rules. The First Amendment means the government can't keep you from making your own site, not having free reign on mine. That's it and that's all.

It's just like going into a church, school, bar or someone's house: you can't do anything you want there. Discuss, feel free to disagree, but play nice.

Think of this more as "letters to the editor" than an open forum.

4. PG-rated please.

5. By posting, you agree to indemnify me, the blog owner and hold harmless for any liability caused by your comments. (I'm covering myself here).

Read over your comment and THINK before sending. If you want to send something to just me, send an email - the address is in the site information tab on the right.


Post a Comment

The rules:

1. No ad hominem attacks - AKA: don't "diss" anyone personally.
2. Keep it on topic.
3. I'm open to any well-thought comment just play nice.
4. PG-rated please.
5. By posting, you agree to indemnify me, the blog owner and hold harmless for any liability caused by your comments. (I'm covering myself here).