Friday, February 16, 2007

Online survey to measure interest in motor sports appears a no go

By JEAN ORTIZ / Lincoln Journal Star
Friday, Feb 16, 2007 - 12:06:28 am CST

A plan to gauge support for a motor sports facility in Lancaster County through an online survey met defeat Thursday after failing to convince county officials it would have any merit.

A County Board-appointed task force that’s spent several weeks studying whether motor sports have a future in the county created the unscientific 20-question survey.

Without the budget for a scientific survey, task force members said they believed it was an economical way to get a snapshot of interest levels.

The group had expected to use the responses in its report due to the County Board by March 1.
County Administrative Officer Kerry Eagan, who chaired this week’s task force meeting, took the survey to the County Board for approval Thursday, along with a request for up to a few hundred dollars to add controls to prevent a survey taker from submitting multiple responses.

The survey included questions designed to identify the types of events people would participate in or attend, how many they might attend and how many people might go with them.

It also delved into details — asking drag racers for the make, model, year and horsepower of their cars.

Demand really isn’t a question left unanswered, Commissioner Ray Stevens said, referring to the flood of e-mails commissioners have received in support of a motor sports facility.

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