Monday, July 03, 2006

"Full Disclosure"

As you may have noticed, I posted the race article and results for Eagle Raceway Saturday night. This will probably be a regular thing, as I've agreed to help Roger Hadan and Full Throttle Entertainment with press/web and some administrative items.

However, I want to make it clear that I'm not working "for" Eagle Raceway as much as it's "on behalf" of Eagle Raceway. Roger agreed to let me continue to list other track's races and releases and still do what I do for HRN, while providing services to the track. Yes, I'm being paid for this. But, I'm going to remain objective and fair to each track.

Why did I do this? Well, quite simply I've been to each race at Eagle this year. Roger asked me to come back and help out and Eagle's where I grew up so I figured if I was going to be there, I might as well get paid. Also, I am a supporter of racing first and foremost. If what I can do helps another track keep going, I'm going to do it.

I'll still get to take pictures and do what I have been doing this year. Nothing really will change there. The only difference is I'll trade my camera for my notepad come A feature time. Except for the article, I really don't even need to be at the track so you won't see much change from me.

Again, there shouldn't be anything different in what I do here, but I thought it was only fair to disclose that I am being compensated by Eagle Raceway for the things I'm doing on their behalf.


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